messenger_server.request_handler module

exception messenger_server.request_handler.InvalidRequestError

Bases: Exception

class messenger_server.request_handler.RequestHandler(request, client_address, server)

Bases: socketserver.BaseRequestHandler

Class used to handle each TCP request.

As required by socketserver.BaseServer this class inherits from socketserver.BaseRequestHandler and is provided to the socketserver.TCPServer to be instantiated for every incoming request and call the handle() function.

  • request (socket.socket) – a socket created by the request
  • prefixes_to_methods (dict(int, function)) – mapping of requests’ prefixes to appropriate handling methods

Retrieve incoming data and execute adequate handler function.

When data has been received from the socket, the first byte is used to determine the type of the request, in accordance with the protocol. Corresponding method is then passed the received data minus the first byte.


Perform adding user’s contact and send adequate response.

Parameters:add_contact_request (bytes) – Add-contact request without the prefix

Perform fetching user’s contact list and send adequate response.

Parameters:get_contacts_request (bytes) – Get-contacts request without the prefix

Perform passing a message to another user and other adequate actions.

Parameters:incoming_message_request (bytes) – Incoming message without the prefix

Perform user log-in and send adequate response.

Parameters:login_request (bytes) – Log-in request without the prefix

Perform user sign-up and send adequate response.

Parameters:signup_request (bytes) – Sign-up request without the prefix